Monday, September 25, 2006

is it ever a monday?

i confess, i was crabby today to my little readers. i hate it. but in my defense, you try dealing with 286 young people who are all looking for the most perfect book that has to do with dinosaurs, dogs, princesses, funny looking people who are sad because they are in world war II. it is stressful! stop laughing! and why did i have 286 students compared to my normal 175? well that's because at 6 am i am boarding a flight to las vegas! for four days! so i can't be too crabby. so despite my new blog, i will be gone. although i fear only my husband reads this (and only when i make him). but if there are other bloggers out there, i have a very silly question. do you ask permission of people to let others know blogs you read? and boy is there a list! and do you do that? AND how do you put a different banner at the top? because i would like to make a new one...and i have an idea. so answer my questions if you can and let me know i'm not just rambling to my darling husband. and so, i leave. oh wait! i do have knitting content!

remember my fingerless gloves that i'm angry with because they've caused me to knit poorly (or maybe my knitting just isn't up to par), well i did it and i ripped them back four inches to try again. i'm still not completely satisfied because it still sort of looks like doo-doo, but it does look better. yay. AND wouldn't you know it? i went to start a new project (despite promising myself i wouldn't), and i didn't have the right sized needles. doesn't that just get your goat? i need to hit up more second hand stores to expand my needle collection (i am the cheapest person in the world, just buy the stupid things!) anyways, i'm off to pack and do laundry and find good books for the flight!

here is a picture of part of my adorable little family (because i love blogs with pictures, even if they're random)

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