Thursday, November 02, 2006

i am alive!

not only am i alive. but i've been knitting. what's that? a hat and a half in two days? anne are you sick? yeah! i'm a knitter again! so i have to make three baby hats for lovely husbands friends who are popping out babies like i eat little snickers. it's crazy. so i have three hats that need to be knit. well i am to the decrease in hat number two but i was too enthralled with mean girls (oh do i love that movie!) so i have to rip part of it back and start again on decreases (multiples of eight who does that? i can't count to 8 and watch mean girls at the same time!) so without further ado here is hat number one.

that's gus. she doesn't like the hat.

so the halloween day was awesome. lots of candy from the kids. and some trick or treaters. have you ever heard of the term mummers? thats what old people call trick or treaters here. weird. but i dressed up as max from where the wild things are and i'll post pictures as soon as i get them.

and heres a picture of our pumpkins on halloween. the ones from the store because our other pumpkins got stolen! i couldn't believe it either. but happy november. and we're finally back into double digits in temperature. YAY!

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