Thursday, November 20, 2008

why did it take me so long to figure it out?

I finished the Twilight series. So seriously good. like crack. i don't even know what to read next because they were so incredibly good that everything else will pale in comparison. and i finished the last one last night. it was good. but let's think about this for a minute. each book was at least 500 pages long. The last book was over 700 pages. that is a lot of reading. now at the same time i have a large amount of knitting that MUST GET DONE. so i have been torn for the past two weeks. do i want to knit or do i want to read? what to do? well i sat down to do some knitting. i have to watch tv when i knit. i just need that background noise to keep me somewhat focused. otherwise i just get bored. but at 6:30 the tv was turned off and i was going to read. but i still wanted to knit. bob said he wouldn't turn the pages for me (i thought that was rather rotten). but i opened my book to see if i could read and knit at the same time. OH MY GOD! it was the best knitting and reading breakthrough of my life. forget learning to cable or the first time i cast on. i can read and knit at the same time! my life has gotten exponetially better. i'm satisfied now. :)

so i'm working on a blanket and need to start my christmas list. i'm looking for a sweet toupee pattern, does anyone know one? thanks :)

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