Tuesday, April 20, 2010

take that, sister!

well i'm back to work. it's amazing how exhausted i am at the end of the day. and how little i do anymore. little blog has been neglected. but so has my ada book that i try to keep track of her life. it's been...oh i would say a good two and a half months since i wrote in it. forgive me ada.

but i have been knitting some on my lunch break. and i have been reading a TON. since i've been back to work i've read:
  • the unaccustomed earth
  • snow in july
  • precious
  • the hunger games
  • elephant run
  • catching fire
  • home of the brave
  • the postmistress
huh...it seemed like way more. but i guess not. but that's not bad considering i don't read at home. the young adult ones have been good. hunger games GREAT and i cannot wait to ready the third one. last friday i gave a book talk to an english class. sadly, this is the first book talk i've given to a full class. but it was awesome and the kids were totally into it. i think i'll ask if i can give it to another class because it was so fun.

in ada news: she has started making all sorts of noises. i love it. lots of screeching :) she has rolled to her side a couple of times, usually on accident, but she's starting to move her legs more. she is a smiler! oh gosh she loves to smile and it is the most wonderful thing in the whole wide world. i want to cuddle her all the time! she isn't a cuddler unless she is exhausted. the rest of the time she wants to face away so that she can see everything. the dogs are a constant source of visual stimuli. and holy smokes she would watch the tv all day long if i let her! she is fantastic and growing so big. to the doctor on monday for a four month check up.

in running news: there is none. st. patricks day race was awesome. dad and lele came down for it. lele did awesome and ran two miles. i ran for a mile straight then on and off for the last mile so i ran probably about a mile and a half. so i need to start again. i found my ipod arm band and my chip for my shoes so i'm ready to get back out there. the weather is perfect for it and i think i'm ready to start doing something for myself. i think i'll work back into it by going to the track for a few weeks and then start street runs. maybe i'll even work up to something impressive over the summer :) but it's now super late and i'm super tired. tomorrow: photos :)


jb said...

I hear you're such a good runner kids ask for your autograph

Leah said...

Which sister?... I think I know.